RVC News
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RVC Professor Awarded Grant to Preserve Rockford Education Desegregation Stories
Dr. Mathew Oakes has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant for a two-year oral history, archival, and instructional project on the legal and community history of desegregation and education in Rockford. The $60,000 grant will fund his project, “Chronicles of Change: Archiving Stories of Desegregation in Rockford Public Schools, 1989-2002.”
Most Recent News
RVC Helps Students Dress for Success
Rock Valley College Career Services Center launched a Career Closet last year as part of our Career Services to support students in their job searches
Dr. Mathew Oakes Leads Civic Engagement Research as National Campus Compact Fellow
Rock Valley College professor of English, Dr. Mathew Oakes, is one of five individuals selected to be Campus Compact Community College Research Fellow for 2023-2024. Campus Compact is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to higher education, civic and community engagement.
RVC Employees Lead Workshop for Global Educators
Attendees at the October American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Conference on Global Learning were able to learn from RVC’s very own Danielle Hardesty (professor of philosophy) and Dr. Lisa Mehlig (executive director of outcomes assessment/HLC liaison). Together, the dynamic duo shared their expertise in the area of equity-based assessment practices.
RVC Athletics takes on Region 4 Tournament in Madison
This weekend, the city of Madison, Wisconsin will play host to an extraordinary sports event, as the Rock Valley College Men's Soccer, Women's Soccer, and Women’s Volleyball teams prepare to compete in the NJCAA Region 4 DII Tournaments. What makes this event even more remarkable is that this is the first time both soccer teams have advanced to the regional finals in the same season.
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